Community terms and conditions

Community terms and conditions

Welcome to our Community

The Community is a service we offer our customers. A place where you can exchange information about products, get first-hand product reviews, share opinions and ask Digitec Galaxus employees or Community members questions about products. Accessible to all registered users, the intention behind the Community is to facilitate the free exchange of opinions.  

To achieve this, we’ve set out the following terms and conditions governing users’ rights and responsibilities, as well as the Community code of conduct. By signing into your customer account and joining the Community, you’re acknowledging that you’ve read and understood these terms and conditions, and agreeing to comply with the code of conduct. If you’d like to change any settings or leave the Community, you can do so in your customer account. 

Your personal data and posts

You can only participate in the Community under the Community name specified in your customer account. When you publish Community posts, your Community name may become publicly visible on the Digitec Galaxus website. 

Using the company names «Galaxus» or «Digitec» in your Community name isn’t permitted, and we reserve the right to change or delete any Community names that go against this rule.

You don’t need to choose a Community name that’s connected to your real name. In fact, we don’t recommend it. Your Community name can be anonymised via the settings in your customer account. If you choose to do that, any posts you publish will only appear under the pseudonym «Anonymous». As the company operating the Community, Digitec Galaxus always knows the identity of the person publishing a post. 

When writing a post or question, please make sure not to reveal any personal information or data that you don’t want to be published. You should also avoid giving out any contact information (e-mail addresses, phone numbers, home addresses, etc.) or revealing names or data that could allow the general public to draw conclusions about a real person.  

If you use or distribute your own content within the Community, you do so at your own risk. Digitec Galaxus assumes neither responsibility nor liability for ensuring that content/information published within the Community isn’t shared, referenced or otherwise published by third parties on other sites. Any personal data we at Digitec Galaxus collect through customer account registrations or use of our website will be processed in accordance with our data protection regulations.

Use of your content, more specifically for advertising purposes

When you create content within our Community, you irrevocably agree that Digitec Galaxus can use it indefinitely, without limitation, free of charge. More specifically, we and all Migros Group companies may take your content (with or without your name, or even in combination with a different pseudonym) and use it free of charge for advertising purposes.  

Data mining 

Galaxus Deutschland GmbH expressly reserves the right to use all content (text, images, visual content) for commercial text and data mining within the meaning of Section 44b of the German Copyright Act (UrhG). 

Community guidelines


We want to foster open, interesting dialogue and create a positive, entertaining, informative and enriching experience for everyone who participates in our Community.  

We don’t tolerate the publication of content that violates the law, infringes on licensing, copyright or other rights of third parties, or contains personal information relating to third parties that you’re not authorised to publish. By publishing content, you confirm that it complies with all applicable legal provisions and standards of reasonable behaviour. We may delete your content at any time, without notifying you of the reason why – especially if you violate these guidelines.  

The following are prohibited:  

  1. Profanity, insults, misleading or discriminatory content, hate speech or disruption of the Community.
  2. Defamation or accusations of any kind against Digitec Galaxus or against brands whose products are sold by us.  
  3. Ads, spam, links to other commercial entities or mentioning offers they’re running.  
  4. Content
    • you’ve been remunerated for.
    • that violates the rights of third parties, in particular copyright, design rights, trademark rights, rights to a name, personality rights or fair trading rights.
    • contains personal information relating to third parties which you’re not authorised to publish. 

We reserve the right to report any potentially criminal statements. This includes statements that fall under the anti-racism norm, are offensive, defamatory or incite violence. 

Forum and magazine threads

We permit and welcome criticism of statements made in magazine articles, whether they’re statements made by the author or people they’ve quoted. The same goes for threads in our forum. Stay on topic, be civil and make sure your comment refers to the actual content of the article/thread. Keep your tone matter-of-fact, respectful and don’t get drawn into making insults or negative generalisations. 

Product ratings

When you rate a product, you’re declaring that your rating relates to your own opinion and is based on your own experience. Product ratings should be written in an objective way and refer to the properties, functionalities, characteristics etc. of products. In case of any issues regarding delivery times or defects of any kind, please contact our customer service team. Using a product rating to present your own products in a positive light or to portray a competitor’s products negatively isn’t permitted. 

Questions and answers

Questions and answers must explicitly refer to products and what they do. General questions regarding orders you’ve placed, delivery times or prices are to be directed to our customer service team. 

When are posts deleted or profiles blocked?

We may delete posts that violate our guidelines. If necessary, Community profiles may be temporarily barred from participating in Community interactions or blocked completely. 

Community content

Product ratings

Anyone registered with Digitec Galaxus can rate products. By submitting a product review, customers declare that it relates to their own opinion and is based on their own experience. Ratings posted by customers who’ve actually bought the product in question are verified accordingly. The total star rating of a product corresponds to the average of all submitted product ratings. Find out more.

Questions and answers

Got a question about a product? Have the answer to a question? Then why not become an active part of our Community and interact with other Community members and our employees? If the Community doesn’t answer your question quickly enough to help you, our customer service team will do its very best to provide you with the information you need. Once you’ve received an answer you’re happy with, you can accept it and your question will be considered answered. 

Forum and magazine threads

You can chat to other Community members in our forum or exchange ideas with our editorial team in the comments section under magazine articles. We have a team of 30 professional journalists who choose what to write about and research these topics critically and independently. We also have 15 in-house translators, who translate these editorial articles every day with passion and expertise.


In Switzerland, Community notifications are activated by default. This is to enable our users to exchange opinions in a timely manner. In the EU, notifications are only activated if you actively tick the «I’d like to be part of the Galaxus Community» box during registration. You can change your notification settings at any time in your customer account

Your Community profile

Your Community profile shows you all of your publicly shared activity and achievements. 

It’s worth being active

All active members of our Community regularly get the chance to win concert tickets, entry to events, vouchers and much more. See what prizes are up for grabs on the right-hand side in the community view. We’ll e-mail you to let you know if you win. Good luck!  

Live feed

Our live feed displays activity taking place in our online shop (almost) in real time. Updates are displayed, for example, whenever a customer places an order, a product is rated or shipped or when a registered user is viewing a product.  The live feed is displayed on both and It may also be displayed on other public websites if Digitec Galaxus provides for it as part of collaborations or for advertising purposes. Updates displayed in the live feed regarding orders are anonymised. In others (e.g. those regarding product ratings), the customer’s Community name is always visible. Your Community name can be anonymised via the settings in your customer account. If you choose to do that, any of your posts that appear in the live feed will only be shown under the pseudonym «Anonymous». 


Some content is automatically translated using the machine translation service DeepL. This means all visitors to our shops can read helpful product reviews posted by other users as well as exciting discussions under editorial articles in all languages – regardless of whether a comment was originally written in German, English, Italian or French. 

Accuracy of information, liability, damages

Digitec Galaxus assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of information provided by Community members in comments/questions/product ratings and other posts. If a Digitec Galaxus Galaxus employee writes a comment or answers a question, they’re doing so selectively. Their comment has no claim to general validity nor is it definitive product advice or a recommendation to buy a product. Digitec Galaxus also has no influence over the type, scale and result of product reviews carried out by employees and assumes no responsibility or liability in this respect. 

Clearly inaccurate or potentially inaccurate content can be reported to Digitec Galaxus. We investigate these reports at our discretion. Community members must verify the correctness and plausibility of all Community posts themselves. Digitec Galaxus isn’t liable for any damages that arise from following advice or using information mentioned in these posts. 

Place of jurisdiction /Applicable law  

The exclusive place of jurisdiction for all disputes in connection with these Community terms and conditions is Zurich. Swiss law shall apply exclusively, to the complete exclusion of the conflict of laws provisions.