Best Von Salis products in the Coffee beans category
On this page you'll find a ranking of the best Von Salis products in this category. To give you a quick overview, we've already ranked the most important information about the products for you.
1. Von Salis Coffee Fiery 1kg beans
This regional, racy quality coffee from Flums, from the beautiful Sarganserland, was composed of the finest coffee varieties. You can almost feel the sultry heat of its tropical origin, , Product Information:, Regional manufacturer in Flums, CO2-neutral produced beans, 1kg Taste, Invigorating Highly aromatic, With powerful body, Especially productive.
2. Von Salis Coffee Mild 1kg Beans
Product information, Great taste experience, With flowery cultivated beans, Beans from the best location, Spicy taste, Fine Arabica coffee, Light filling , Little acidity, Mild variety.