Is Switzerland a cycling country? Yes, but ...
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Is Switzerland a cycling country? Yes, but ...

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Who owns the road and should it be seen as a living space or merely the fastest possible connection between A and B? These and similar questions were addressed at Switzerland's first Veloforum on 23 May 2024.

On 23 May 2024, the Veloforum took place for the first time as a national inspiration platform for cycling in Switzerland in Zurich's Kongresshaus. Experts from all areas of cycling gave presentations and discussed the most pressing mobility issues. 300 participants and 22 speakers took part in the discussions at the Zurich Congress Centre. These included Zurich Mayor Corine Mauch, FEDRO Director Jürg Röthlisberger, Olympic champion Fabian Cancellara, entrepreneur Daniel Freitag, ex-Swisscom CEO Urs Schaeppi, sports investor Michael Hartweg and many more. The forum was initiated by the UCI Cycling and Para-Cycling Road World Championships Zurich 2024.

Transport planners, entrepreneurs, politicians and researchers discussed infrastructure issues, among other things.
Transport planners, entrepreneurs, politicians and researchers discussed infrastructure issues, among other things.
Source: Veloforum Schweiz Suisse Svizzera / Simon von Gunten

From bottom to top or vice versa?

One of the key questions at the Veloforum was: Is Switzerland a cycling country? The somewhat simplified answer: Yes, when it comes to professional and popular sports. Rather no, when it comes to the everyday use of bicycles. In the course of the various panel discussions and short presentations, the experts attempted to provide answers as to why this is the case and to point out solutions for the future. One of the goals was to double the number of kilometres cycled in Switzerland.

We don't see the bicycle as a political vehicle.
Jürg Röthlisberger, Director of the Federal Roads Office FEDRO

The need to adapt the infrastructure and build today for the traffic we want tomorrow has been emphasised time and again. The question of whether this should be done top-down or bottom-up was also discussed controversially. Some speakers called for more courage from politicians in this regard, while others saw private initiatives in a pioneering role.

Start-up investor Michael Hartweg suggested using an app to incentivise people to switch from cars to bikes at the Veloforum.
Start-up investor Michael Hartweg suggested using an app to incentivise people to switch from cars to bikes at the Veloforum.
Source: Veloforum Schweiz Suisse Svizzera / Simon von Gunten

About the Veloforum Switzerland

The Veloforum Schweiz Suisse Svizzera is dedicated to promoting cycling culture in Switzerland. Through inspiring lectures, discussion panels and networking opportunities, the forum strives to raise awareness of the importance of the bicycle as a sustainable means of transport and to shape the future of bicycle mobility in Switzerland. Another forum, organised by the Swiss Bike Park Foundation, will take place on 12 September in Bern. <p

Header image: Veloforum Zurich / Simon von Gunten

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