Best Kekz products in the Radio play category
On this page you'll find a ranking of the best Kekz products in this category. To give you a quick overview, we've already ranked the most important information about the products for you.
1. Kekz Cookie Handset Starter Set
The Kekzhörer promises child-friendly entertainment for at home and on the go. And completely independent of the parents' mobile phone or tablet - and therefore without a screen, without the Internet and without radiation. All available audio content is already pre-installed on the headphones. The corresponding music albums and audio books are only activated by connecting the headphones to an audio chip. Simply click the magnetic audio chip into the side of the Kekz headphones and off you go. Kekz gives kids the freedom to control their favorite audiobooks and music on the go, completely on their own.
2. Kekz Biscuit Listener
The Kekzhörer promises child-friendly entertainment for at home and on the go. And completely independent of the parents' mobile phone or tablet - and therefore without a screen, without the Internet and without radiation. All available audio content is already pre-installed on the headphones. The corresponding music albums and audio books are only activated by connecting the headphones to an audio chip. Simply click the magnetic audio chip into the side of the Kekz headphones and off you go. Kekz gives children between the ages of 3 and 7 the freedom to control their favorite audiobooks and music on the go completely on their own.
3. Kekz Fireman Sam - Kekz Audio Chip
Fireman Sam. The New Hero Next Door.
Includes 5 episodes. Audio play duration approx. 50 min.
4. Kekz Do you know how much I love you
Do you know how much I love you?
Fly like a bird + three more stories.
Audio play duration approx. 48 min.
5. Kekz The Robber Hotzenplotz - Kekz Audio Chip
The robber Hotzenplotz. Audio play duration approx. 111min.
6. Kekz Starry Tail - Kekz Audio Chip
Star tail. Leap into the night.
Audio play duration approx. 65 min.
7. Kekz The School of Magical Animals - Kekz Au
The school of the magic animals.
Audio play duration approx. 81 min.
8. Kekz Conni - Kekz Audio Chip
Conni. Two stories.
"Conni goes to the children's gymnastics" and "Conni and the wiggly tooth".
Audio play duration approx. 34 min.
9. Kekz Audio chip Robin Hood and the King
Product type: Audio book, Language: German, Age recommendation: 3 years, Age group: Toddlers.
10. Kekz WunderKekz Orange
Experience limitless listening adventures with the Wunderkekz! Record your Wunderkekz like a mixtape with your favourite content or record a story yourself. Download the Kekz app to your Windows computer and connect the Kekz listener to it. You can upload and play up to 90 minutes of customised content on each Wunderkekz. So you always have your favourite content with you wherever you go. The Wunderkekz comes in 3 colours: purple, green and orange. You can use one per colour for your cookie listener - so a maximum of three Wunderkekze. We wish you lots of fun with it.