Best Finanzbuch products in the Reference books category

On this page you'll find a ranking of the best Finanzbuch products in this category. To give you a quick overview, we've already ranked the most important information about the products for you.

1. On the psychology of money

On the psychology of money (German, Morgan Housel, 2021)
Reference books

On the psychology of money

German, Morgan Housel, 2021

2. Think and Grow Rich German Edition

With over 60 million copies sold, Napoleon Hill's Think and Grow Rich is one of the most successful books of all time. For more than 20 years, the very young Napoleon Hill interviewed more than 500 millionaires, among them the most powerful and influential personalities of his time such as Thomas Edison, Alexander Graham Bell, Henry Ford, John D. Rockefeller or Theodore Roosevelt. The essence of his study has been incorporated into this book. The result is a guide to personal success that is as timeless as it is compelling, in which Hill shows how to change your life in just 13 steps. Now, for the first time, the complete and unabridged 1937 edition is available in German - possibly the most important financial book ever written. It's time to stop wondering what constitutes success - and start knowing. 

Think and Grow Rich German Edition (German, Napoleon Hill, 2018)
Reference books

Think and Grow Rich German Edition

German, Napoleon Hill, 2018

3. Stop Overthinking

In today's world of sensory overload and overstimulation, many people live in a self-inflicted mental prison: they are stuck in endless negative thought loops, making life difficult for themselves in everyday life.

This book explains what goes on in the brain when such exhausting thought patterns occur, how to become aware of the triggers for them and how to end these negative spirals. Renowned author Nick Trenton provides detailed and proven techniques to help rewire the brain, control thoughts and change mental habits. He shows how to recognise your inner fears, overcome stress attacks and focus on relaxation. Ultimately, he offers a path to unlocking new potential in life.

4. Technical analysis of the financial markets

John J. Murphy is one of the best known technical analysts in the USA. In his impressive work he knows best how to bring order to the broad field of technical analysis. Factual explanations and excellent illustrations provide both beginners and advanced users with the latest charting techniques that can be applied directly to a wide range of financial instruments. Your plus for action! All interrelationships are presented with unsurpassed clarity and transparency.
Here you can quickly and accurately obtain the latest state of the art in technical analysis of the financial markets:
- All types of charts at a glance: More than 400 practical charts show you every important detail and introduce you intensively to charting techniques.
- Interesting indicators: New highs versus new lows, higher volume versus lower volume, uptrends versus downtrends, and much more. Capture the market in all its breadth and you know immediately when a trend is changing!
- Candlestick Charts: How to use this extremely vivid type of charts in your daily investment routine - simply achieve better results when investing!
- The inter-market analysis: It is high time to recognise the close links between the individual financial markets and to be able to assess them correctly.
- Risk management and psychology: the decisive factors for the private investor.

Technical analysis of the financial markets (German, John J. Murphy, 2006)
Reference books

Technical analysis of the financial markets

German, John J. Murphy, 2006

5. The great textbook of chart analysis

This is how chart analysis really works! Stefan Salomon, top specialist for chart analysis and candlesticks in the German-speaking world, shows how everyone can learn to trade successfully after just a short practice. You neither need a business education nor do you need highly professional charting software to be successful on the stock market. Pencil and ruler are the best tools to analyze the markets, whether stock, commodity or currency markets. The focus is on chart analysis as part of technical analysis as well as its fundamentals. Great importance is attached to presenting techniques of this method that are as simple and comprehensible as possible, techniques that can be carried out by any investor and that can be learned without a great deal of time, but which can be applied extremely successfully. The advanced trader and the professional investor will also find useful suggestions here. Included is also a complete workbook with 50 exercises on trend and formation analysis and candlesticks, including solutions. This way, you can quickly familiarize yourself with the subject matter, with chart technique, in order to then try your hand at the stock market yourself. 

The great textbook of chart analysis (German, Stefan Solomon, 2019)
Reference books

The great textbook of chart analysis

German, Stefan Solomon, 2019

6. Die Gesetze der menschlichen Natur - The Laws of Human Nature

Robert Greene is a master at making the wisdom and philosophy of ancient thinkers accessible to millions of readers in search of knowledge, power, and self-improvement. In his new book, he is on the trail of the most important subject of all: the decoding of human drives and motivations, even those of which we ourselves are unaware. Man is a social animal. His life depends on the relationship with his peers. Knowing why we do what we do gives us a far more effective tool than all our talents could. Drawing on the ideas and examples of Pericles, Queen Elizabeth I, Martin Luther King Jr, and many others, Greene shows how we can, on the one hand, become independent of our own emotions and learn self-mastery, and on the other hand, develop empathy toward others to see behind their masks. If nothing else, The Laws of Human Nature offers the reader unique strategies for achieving and defending one's own goals in the professional and private spheres. 

Die Gesetze der menschlichen Natur - The Laws of Human Nature (German, Robert Greene, 2019)
Reference books

Die Gesetze der menschlichen Natur - The Laws of Human Nature

German, Robert Greene, 2019

7. The greatest revolution of all time

We are on the eve of the greatest revolution ever and you can still prepare for it now! This revolution will change everything. Our money, our whole monetary system is about to die! For years it has been partly responsible for the recurring crises.
We all pay with coins, notes, plastic cards or digitally, but hardly anyone knows how our monetary system works. In 2008, many became painfully aware of this when the system suffered a heart attack and has not recovered to this day. The question is not whether it will finally fail, but when. But out of this crisis a historic opportunity was born: Bitcoin. What looked like a nerdy IT geek experiment at the beginning is actually much more: a borderless, decentralised money system that everyone has access to and that cannot be controlled or corrupted by any central organisation like central banks or states.
We take you on a journey through the history of money, show you in an understandable way the advantages and disadvantages of the status quo and explain where the future of money might lie. The separation of state and monetary system could become the greatest revolution in human history. For the first time, the trendy topic of blockchain and bitcoin is explained by a multiple bestselling author in a clear, understandable and entertaining way for everyone. It will explain step-by-step how to buy Bitcoin, how best to secure and store it and what to look out for so that you can be part of the historic change!

The greatest revolution of all time (German, Marc Friedrich, Florian Kssler, 2024)
Reference books

The greatest revolution of all time

German, Marc Friedrich, Florian Kssler, 2024

8. On the greed, fear and herd instinct of investors

Since the financial crisis at the latest, many investors have been unsettled and do not know who they can really trust.

As a long-standing manager of private and
institutional assets, Dr. Pirmin Hotz - one of Switzerland's most renowned asset managers - has compiled facts and observations about the financial market that are not only fascinating but also occasionally reminiscent of a shark tank teeming with gamblers, dazzlers and racketeers.

The author relentlessly exposes weaknesses and intransparencies. The book shows in an entertaining, understandable and at the same time scientifically sound way, where the pitfalls in the investment business lie for the investor, which investment strategies are really recommended and what constitutes a reliable asset management.

On the greed, fear and herd instinct of investors (German, Pirmin Hotz, 2021)
Reference books

On the greed, fear and herd instinct of investors

German, Pirmin Hotz, 2021

9. Uncompromising - Relentless

Being good enough is sometimes not enough. Yet many people set themselves that very goal. Tim Grover, however, says, "Truly uncompromising people - the Cleaners - are predators who have dark sides and refuse to want to be "good. And whether you already know it or not, you have a dark side. Use it - it could be your greatest gift. For over two decades, Tim Grover has been helping top U.S. athletes push their performance limits further and further and dominate their opponents mentally and physically. In this book, he lets the reader in on insights that only a handful of clients otherwise get. One of his key principles: Stop thinking about your goals - act instead. And don't just be good enough, be uncompromising - relentless. To achieve this, you must face the forces that lie dormant within you and use them to your advantage. Learn from the man who has taken Michael Jordan, Kobe Bryant, and Dwyane Wade to world-class levels. Directly and relentlessly, he reveals the key traits of successful people in sports and business and derives 13 elementary principles from them. Those who follow them become unstoppable. 

Uncompromising - Relentless (German, Tim Grover, 2019)
Reference books

Uncompromising - Relentless

German, Tim Grover, 2019

10. Psycho-cybernetics

Since its first publication in 1960, Maltz's groundbreaking bestseller - a simple guide to programming your self-image for success - has inspired and improved the lives of more than 30 million readers. The teachings of psycho cybernetics are timeless because they are based on
a solid scientific foundation and offer a prescription for thought and action that produces quantifiable results. Even the techniques of million-selling author Tony Robbins are inspired by Maltz's content.

In this updated edition, with a new introduction and editorial commentary by Matt Furey, president of the Psycho-Cybernetics Foundation, the original text has been annotated and expanded to make Maltz's message even more relevant to today's readers.
for today's readers.

Psycho-cybernetics (German, Maxwell Maltz, Elisabeth Liebl, 2022)
Reference books


German, Maxwell Maltz, Elisabeth Liebl, 2022