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Timekettle WT2 Plus (5 h, Wireless)
139.– CHF

Timekettle WT2 Plus

5 h, Wireless

Question about WT2 Plus - 669040


2 months ago

(French) Oh, my ears and my heart, what sadness you have brought me, dear listeners! It was as if we had met, full of hopes and expectations, but how disappointed I was... Firstly, that mystical link via QR code, promising a whole new world of possibilities, turned out to be nothing more than a path to nowhere. Turns out you have to download the app on the sly, like a secret agent on a mission, and the result? Silence. And not just any silence, but a deafening silence, like your non-operational functions. Let's continue our epic. Here I am, full of enthusiasm, waiting for a miracle from the real-time function. I dreamt that these headphones would translate my words for my foreign friend, how we would laugh and communicate without borders. But what is the reality? It turns out, dear headphones, that you need pauses to think, as if you were a chess player before an important move. "Instant translation'? More like instant disappointment! And here I am, on the threshold of tomorrow, planning to return these technological marketing liars to the shop. They didn't live up to the salesman's promises, they didn't live up to my expectations, and they certainly don't deserve a place in my home. Friends, listen to my painful experience and avoid those headphones, no matter how well spoken they are. For now, the world of technology and real-time magic remains beyond our reach, and we're just dreamers, yearning for a miracle. In short, if to sum up: "bin those headphones." For now, technology and us are like the fox and the grapes in the fable: it seems so close, but you can't bite into it. Let's wait for headphones to get really smart, but for now... let's talk the old-fashioned way - eye-to-eye, even if it is via Zoom.


2 months ago

But what is the question in brief? It is true that I had to try and try again several times to activate the Bluetooth connection, but once connected they do a very good job of translating with all the languages I tried. Try the procedure again until the connection is established. If it really doesn't work, it may be that you have received a defective item. Greetings