Best Stoov products in the Heating pads category
On this page you'll find a ranking of the best Stoov products in this category. To give you a quick overview, we've already ranked the most important information about the products for you.
1. Stoov Ploov
Ploov is a wireless heat cushion with infrared technology and a rechargeable battery. The canvas fabric is made of 100% organic cotton with a stonewashed finish. Enjoy up to 9 hours of warmth! The Ploov is a cordless heat cushion with infrared technology. Experience heat up to 58 °C and save energy! 100% organic cotton; 100% rPet.
2. Stoov Ploov heat pad
Ploov. Enjoy up to 9 hours of warmth. The Ploov is a cordless heating pad with infrared technology. Experience heat up to 58 °C and save energy.
3. Stoov One
One is a cordless, heated seat cushion with infrared technology and rechargeable battery. The outdoor fabric is robust, UV-resistant and dirt-repellent. Enjoy up to 5 hours of warmth! The One is a cordless and heatable seat cushion with infrared technology. Experience heat up to 58 °C and save energy! 100% Olefin; 100% rPet.
4. Stoov Woov
The Woov is a wireless heat cushion with infrared technology and rechargeable battery. The woollen fabric is warm & soft, with a sheepskin look. Enjoy up to 6 hours of warmth! The Woov is a cordless heat cushion with infrared technology. Experience warmth up to 58° C and save energy! 90% polyester; 10% acrylic; 100% rPet.