Best Westermann products in the Textbooks category
On this page you'll find a ranking of the best Westermann products in this category. To give you a quick overview, we've already ranked the most important information about the products for you.
1. miniLük solution unit
The universal miniLÜK solution machine with transparent lid and 12 task plates for processing all miniLÜK exercise books from kindergarten to 4th grade. Original size closed: 26 x 13 cm
2. miniLÜK. How late is it? The clock in the daily run
First times are the easy-to-learn times from 1 to 12 o'clock in the course of the day. The noon (12 o'clock) with the highest position of the sun divides the day into morning and afternoon times. Within this framework, times with indications shortly before and shortly after full hours are practiced, times with quarter and half hours as well as 5 and 10 minutes before and after full hours with analog clocks (with dial). In addition, the times of the various activities during the day and the end times of the baking and cooking processes must be determined. The systematic exercises of simple times form the basis for learning even complicated times. To edit this exercise book you need the " miniLÜK solution device".
3. miniLÜK exercise book. I learn to read 1
This booklet contains a variety of introductory exercises for learning to read. The first part of the booklet focuses on visual differentiation. The children learn to compare the various forms of the letters, to differentiate between them and finally to assign them correctly. The second part contains reading games for acoustic differentiation of sounds, in which the first letters of the words must be linked to the corresponding illustrations. The booklet promotes the children's interest in learning to read and at the same time strengthens important visual perception functions. This has an overall positive effect on learning to read as well as on the child's ability and willingness to learn. The booklet "Ich lerne lesen 2" has been published in the same design. It picks up on the learning steps that have been started and guides them continuously and in depth.
4. miniLÜK set. In kindergarten
The booklets contain a variety of play and learning templates for children who are in kindergarten or preparing for kindergarten. In the templates with a concrete reference to living, playing and learning in kindergarten, the children find a strongly emotionalised approach to the tasks. In this way, the children identify with the exercise contents and usually stay with the exercise with particular enthusiasm. All exercises are counter-directional, i.e. the direction of thinking of the task is changed with each exercise. This effectively trains and strengthens the children's ability to learn and combine and at the same time promotes the networking of the two halves of the brain.
5. mini LÜK arithmetic master up to 100
Author text
Michael Junga is a primary and special education teacher with many years of teaching experience. He developed a variety of didactic support materials for pre-school and primary school.
6. miniLÜK letters, syllables, words
This booklet contains diverse and proven tasks for reading beginners. Exercises on the assignment of letters and sounds at the beginning, middle and end of words are followed by systematic exercises on syllable division using predefined syllable arcs. The segmentation of words into syllables enables children to grasp the meaning of words more quickly. Additional exercises with rhyming words and word-image associations promote the development of a visual vocabulary. Interesting observation tasks with car license plates and soccer club logos loosen up the exercises, maintain reading motivation and encourage the reading of difficult words. The exercises are suitable for different phases of written language acquisition. With careful help from adults, they can also be done by pre-school children.
7. miniLÜK My very first miniLÜK set
I can do that when I'm three? Simple matching games with animals, shapes, colours - to see, recognise and have fun. It contains miniLÜK solution device with clear view game part, exercise booklets Das kann ich schon 1 und 2.
8. miniLÜK. In the kindergarten 2
From 4 years
Guessing professions, counting with dice, plucking pictures, gymnastics and climbing, finger puppets ...
The booklet contains a wide range of games and learning
beds for children who are in kindergarten or
prepare for it. In the templates with
the concrete relation to life, play and
learning in kindergarten, the children find a
strongly emotionalized access to the task of
positions. This identifies the
children with the exercise contents and stay in
usually with a special zeal for the cause.
All exercises are counter-exercises, i.e. the thinking
direction of the task is taken into account at every
Practice changed. This way the learning...
and combination ability of the children effectively
trained and strengthened and at the same time
networking of the two halves of the brain.
9. bambinoLÜK - First quantities and figures
Playing with bambinoLÜK is so easy Simple exercises to promote precise observation, comparison and allocation. To be detached from the child himself. For all children who enjoy discovering first quantity and size designations. With immediate self-control, which leads very easily to learning success. To edit this exercise book you need the bambinoLÜK solution device. Precise observation, comparison, counting, allocation, discovery of first quantity and size relationships, self-control.
10. miniLÜK First steps in arithmetic
First quantities and numbers for children from 5 years of age With regularly arranged quantities, children learn to grasp numbers up to 4 at a glance. In this way, numbers up to 10 can also be recorded additively as subsets and do not have to be counted individually. The assignment of structured sets and numerals and their inversion of six tasks promotes flexible thinking and prepares children for the beginning of arithmetic lessons. You will need the miniLÜK solution device to work through this exercise booklet.