Dieci A1 : course and workbook : plus interactive version and app
Italian, Collectif, 2024
On this page you'll find a ranking of the best Hueber products in this category. To give you a quick overview, we've already ranked the most important information about the products for you.
Target level A1
Dieci - Textbook for Italian
Course book and workbook with code for the interactive version
Bilingual print title
Target group: Adults and young adults without prior knowledge at adult education centres and other adult education institutions
The course consists of 10 lessons. Each lesson consists of a thematic introductory page and is divided into 4 sections on a double page. The most important grammar and vocabulary learning objectives are presented at the beginning of each section. At the end of each section, reference is made to the relevant exercises in the grammar and vocabulary sections (Grammatica, Vocabulario). At the end of each lesson, 10 important elements (from the vocabulary, grammar or vocabulary of the lesson) are summarised. Dieci is supplemented by a video corso in 10 episodes (one video episode of a sitcom per lesson). There is also a project (Progetto), a cultural list (Cultura) and a self-assessment test (Test) per lesson.
The work section complements the course section with the following headings:
- Cominicazione (partner tasks)
- Grammatica (grammar section with exercises and explanatory videos)
- Vocabulario (illustrated vocabulary section with exercises)
- Fonetica (pronunciation section with exercises)
- Esercizi (exercises with the comic episodes 'Vivere e pensare All'Italiana')
- Zoom Grammaticale (grammar overview)
- Lessico (Lesson vocabulary)
- Links to numerous videos and linguaquizzes from ALMA.tv.
Dieci A1 : course and workbook : plus interactive version and app
Italian, Collectif, 2024
Level A1 International, monolingual edition with BlinkLearning Code for the digital edition with integrated videos and audio files as well as interactive exercises Target group: Adult learners with no or little previous knowledge Nuovo Espresso is the new edition of the popular textbook Espresso. The concept and didactic features have been retained and provided with new, up-to-date and modern content. The new features at a glance: - up-to-date content with new reading texts and audio dialogues as well as new tasks in both the course book and workbook sections - modern layout with new photos - new at the beginning of each lesson: an introductory page with an overview of the idioms, grammar and vocabulary of the lesson and a photo - new at the end of each lesson: a culture page and a video with exercises - there are now four tests in the workbook section - you can find the teacher's manual as a free download in the textbook service (http:wwwhueber.de/nuovo-espresso).
The "Business Grammar Builder", which has been tried and tested in practice, offers a wide range of exercises on various grammar topics. The title is suitable for teachers and learners of Business English in language schools, universities and adult education centres. 50 units cover the most important structures and functions in Business English on four pages each. An integrated audio CD contains selected dialogues and articles from the book. The appendix provides a comprehensive solution key as well as an index of grammatical terms.
Business Grammar Builder, w. Audio CD
English, Paul Emmerson, 2013
Level C1
. in preparation for the Cambridge English: Advanced exam
. updated reading and listening texts
. with chapters on pronunciation
. Student's App with practice tests for on-the-go and 60 quick Are you ready? questions .
. Ready for sections focus on each exam paper .
. Ready for Grammar reference sections with clear explanations and exercises .
. interleaved Teacher's Book with two full model tests and 12 progress tests.
Ready for C1 Advanced. Student's Book Package with Digital Student's Book and App (with Key)
English, Amanda French, S. Norris, 2022
Level B1 Vocabulary & Grammar B1 contains - based on the needs of the learners - numerous exercises on all words and grammar topics relevant for level B1 (matching exercises, cloze texts, playful exercises, transformation exercises, sentence formation exercises, etc.). The integrated solution key helps to independently check the learning success. The exercise trainer contains many additional learning tips as well as numerous illustrations for clarification. Austrian and Swiss variants are taken into account.
Vocabulary & Grammar B1
German, Anneli Billina, Marion Techmer, Lilli Marlen Brill, 2022
Menschen is a course for adults who are beginning to learn German. It uses the issues of neurodidactics in a practical way, it is an alternative to schematic tasks that consolidate grammatical structures. Each lesson begins with a description of an interesting situation, sometimes combined with an audio text that introduces the lesson topic, arouses emotions and interest. The students learn vocabulary, structures and idioms using authentic listening and reading texts. The new vocabulary is additionally presented in the form of a picture dictionary, which facilitates memorisation for visual learners. The tabular presentation of grammar facilitates and improves the understanding of grammatical facts. Supplementary materials for the course include interactive worksheets for the computer and DVDs for self-study at home.
People A2 Course book
German, Collectif, 2022
Target level A1
Nuovo Espresso - Italian textbook
Target group: Adult learners with no or little previous knowledge at adult education centres or similar institutions.
German-language textbook and workbook with videos and audios via the Hueber Media app.
- up-to-date content with new reading texts and audio dialogues as well as new tasks in both the course book and workbook sections
- modern layout with new photos
- at the beginning of each lesson: an introductory page with an overview of the lesson's speaking intentions, grammar and vocabulary and a photo
- at the end of each lesson: two pages "Videocorso" with exercises for the videos and a culture page
- in the workbook: four tests
- ten varied videos as well as a video grammar
The audios and videos can also be played conveniently via smartphone using the free Hueber Media app.
An international, monolingual edition is also available.
Level A2 to C1
Target group: for self-learners or as a supplement to lessons at levels A2 to C1 of the European Framework of Reference for Languages
The vocabulary workbook is independent of the textbook and contains over 500 exercises, numerous additional information and learning tips, making it ideal for learning, revision and consolidation.
The workbook offers:
- preparation for all A2, B1 and B2 examinations according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
- varied exercises on all important vocabulary topics, word formation and idioms
- entertaining illustrations and photos to aid comprehension
- original texts that also take Austrian and Swiss variants into account
- additional information on regional studies
- a detailed answer key at the end of the book for self-evaluation and to strengthen the learner's autonomy.
People B1. Media package: 3 audio CDs and 1 DVD for the course book.German as a foreign language / Media package.
Menschen.B1 3CDs+DVD for the course book
German, Charlotte Habersack, Angela Poodle, Julia Braun-Podeschwa, 2014
Level B2
Student's Book with Digital Student's Book, app and code for additional online offers
Gateway to the World is the complete new edition of Macmillan Gateway &ndash, the gateway for young people to successfully completing the English exams at the end of their school career or at the start of their studies.
Target group: Young people at upper secondary level
Concept: Young people of this age have an exciting and thrilling stage of their lives ahead of them: they are preparing to leave school, thinking about what they want to study or learn, what they want to see of the world &ndash, the world is open to them. This is exactly how the newly revised, five-volume textbook Gateway to the World presents itself:
Stimulating, interesting content not only stimulates students' interest but also prepares them perfectly for everyday and professional life after school. Cross-curricular exercises and texts offer an exciting mix of international topics as well as topics from everyday life and culture. Modern and classical literature are just as much a part of the programme as pop songs and unusual information on English-speaking countries. Extensive texts from the lives and experiences of young people &ndash, e.g. in the style of text messages, tweets or emails &ndash, make this textbook fresh and authentic.
Gateway to the world B2. Student's Book + DSB + App
English, David Spencer, 2022