Best BabyBjörn products in the Baby bouncers category

On this page you'll find a ranking of the best BabyBjörn products in this category. To give you a quick overview, we've already ranked the most important information about the products for you.

1. BabyBjörn Soft rocker, woven Classic Quilt, sand grey

Baby bouncer with new material composition
Can be used from birth (from 53 cm) to 2 years, from 3.5 to 13 kg
For newborns: Using the product as a baby bouncer, the
maximum weight is 9 kg; highest position up to 9 kg; middle position up to 9 kg; lowest position up to 7 kg
When the child can sit by itself: When using the product as a high chair, the maximum weight is 13 kg; highest position up to 13 kg; middle position up to 10 kg; lowest position up to 7 kg
Three different heights: For playing, resting and sleeping

BabyBjörn Soft rocker, woven Classic Quilt, sand grey
Baby bouncers
CHF148.– was CHF164.–

BabyBjörn Soft rocker, woven Classic Quilt, sand grey

2. BabyBjörn Wooden toys for babysitters

The Babybjörn wooden toy for babysitters is a toy for small people with great playfulness. The cheerful coloured figures naturally arouse your child's curiosity and make babysitting more fun. The wooden toy fits on all BabyBjörn Babysitters and is fastened in such a way that the child cannot remove it on its own. Free of impermissible substances, it can be easily put into the mouth. 

3. BabyBjörn Bliss

Babybjornas Blisas 3D Džersis - prabangus bronzas, vaikų buožė Spalva/dizainas: Šviesusis BabyBjorn Bliss 3D Džersis yra vaikų lopšys, suteikiantis kiekvienam vaikui galimybę rūpintis savimi ir, beje, ugdyti motorinius įgūdžius. Tuo tarpu tėvas turi dvi laisvas rankas, akimirką sau, ir tuo pat metu nesijaudina dėl paguodos saugumo. Bliss 3D Jersey buvo sukurtas bendradarbiaujant su pediatrais, todėl užtikrina tinkamą vaiko galvos ir nugaros atramą ir taip daro įtaką vaiko vystymuisi. Gaminiui nereikia baterijų - bučiavimas sukelia natūralius mažylio judesius. Vaikui augant, gulsčiukas gali būti paverstas seniūnui skirta kėde - tokiu būdu siūlomi modeliai gali būti naudingi nuo vaiko gimimo iki tol, kol jis gimsta. 2 metai. Medžiagos, iš kurių pagamintas bronchas, turi būti patvirtintos ir atitikti „Oeko-Tex“ standartą. Tai reiškia, kad jose nėra kenksmingų medžiagų ir alergenų, todėl jautri vaiko oda nėra sudirginta. Lazdelės, buožgalviai, kėdutė Tas mažylis bronzinis buožgalvis gali greitai tapti vyresniojo vaiko krėslu - tam pakanka nuimti ir apversti medžiagą nuo sėdynės atlošo, tada sureguliuoti nuolydžio laipsnį. Vienas produktas, trys funkcijos! Jis buvo sukurtas bendradarbiaujant su pediatrais Bliss, bendradarbiaujant su pediatrijos specialistais, todėl užtikrina tinkamą atramą kūdikio galvai ir nugarai, ypač naujagimiams ir kūdikiams, kurių raumenys dar tik vystosi. Be to, natūralūs vaiko judesiai skatina bronchų siūbavimą, dėl to didėja kiekvieno naudotojo motoriniai gebėjimai ir gaminiui nereikia baterijų. 3 laipsniai nuožulnumo Nukreipimo sistema leidžia sureguliuoti bronchą iki trijų padėčių: nuo labiausiai gulinčios, mieguistos iki vertikalios. Taigi Blisas gali būti ne tik miego vieta, bet ir žaidimų vieta! Nuolydžio sistema turi būti užrakinta prieš nekontroliuojamą sulankstymą. Kompaktinis sulankstymas Skubus sulankstymas ir mažas kabinetas suteikia mums galimybę susikrauti gulintį į automobilį ir pasiimti jį visur, kur tik norime, pavyzdžiui, pietums pas senelius. Masė 2,1 kg Matmenys 39 × 79 × 56 cm Matmenys sulankstyti 39 × 89 × 11 cm 3,5 –13 kg sveriantiems vaikams. 

4. BabyBjörn Balance Soft

The Soft baby bouncer is a light and practical baby bouncer that reproduces natural rocking, which in turn can have a calming effect on your little one. Life with small children can become easier and more pleasant. The bouncer can be easily folded up, making it easy to transport and take with you. It promotes a sense of balance and the development of motor skills. The ergonomic design ensures that your baby's back, neck and head are optimally protected. When your little one can sit up or weighs 9kg, the seat fabric can be reversed and the bouncer can be used as a comfortable child seat until it weighs 13kg. With this great, high-quality bouncer, you can spoil your little one with the highest possible level of comfort right from the start. 

5. BabyBjörn Mesh

When the baby moves its legs or swings its arms back and forth, the baby seesaw swings gently. You don't need batteries - the baby bouncer offers pure and carefree playing pleasure. By playing in the baby bouncer your child also trains his motor skills and sense of balance. The Baby Bouncer Bliss can already be used for newborns (at least 3.5 kg) and up to the age of 2 years. All materials are skin-friendly and gentle to children's delicate skin and it is harmless to suck on them. They are free of hazardous substances and meet the requirements of Oeko-Tex Standard 100, Class 1 for baby products. Machine washable at 40 °C. Wash separately. It is best to use an environmentally friendly and gentle detergent without bleach. Do not tumble dry. 

6. BabyBjörn Babysitter toys

The cute babysitter toy from Babybjörn adds a splash of colour to the rocker. From the colorful figures your baby will be fascinated. The different motifs are exciting to look at and also great to play with. You can easily attach the toy to the BabyBjörn Rocker. The toy helps your baby discover and promotes motor skills. The play bow fits the Bouncer Balance soft as well as the Bouncer Bliss. 

7. BabyBjörn Babysitter Balance Bliss

Bouncer Bliss is a cosy place for your baby to play or rest close by you, while you take a shower or prepare a meal. The fabrics are specifically developed for young babies, and the newest and softest material, 3D Jersey, is as snuggly as your comfiest T-shirt and extra gentle against your baby’s delicate skin. The bouncer rocks gently when your baby kicks their legs or waves their arms. No batteries needed - the baby bouncer runs on pure fun. Playing in the bouncer also helps your baby to develop their motor skills and balance. Bouncer Bliss can be used from newborn and up to the age of 2 years. 

8. BabyBjörn Balance Bliss

Natural rocking with the great BabyBjörn Balance Bliss! In the baby bouncer Balance Bliss your child has the feeling of floating. Through the movements of your golden treasure, the rocker starts to move and soothes your angel. Due to the triple height adjustability, the rocker can be used optimally from birth to about two years. Whether as a rocker up to max. 9 kg or as a chair up to max. 13 kg, the rocker from BabyBjörn can be used individually. If you use the Bliss as a baby rocker, make sure that both buttons are closed and your child is safely turned on. Once your baby can sit, the Bliss can no longer be used as a rocker, but can be used as a chair.

Once the rocker is used as a chair, all you have to do is turn the cover and you have a comfortable chair for your angel. The ergonomic design of the Bliss rocker provides your child with good support in the back, neck and head. The weight of your offspring is evenly distributed in the rocker, this is especially important for babies. With the child-friendly material, which is free of hazardous substances and manufactured according to the requirements of Oeko-Tex Standard 100, the rocker meets every requirement. The soft fabric of the baby bouncer Bliss Cotton is made of pure cotton, is breathable and therefore very pleasant on the baby's skin. With the baby bouncer Bliss Mesh you have a light, perforated material which is breathable and prevents your darling from sweating. You can remove the fabric completely and wash it at 40 °. With the rocker is not only your angel happy, but also you gain more time to do things in your everyday life.

Features BabyBjörn baby bouncer Balance Bliss:

* Can be used from birth to approx. 2 years.
* As baby bouncer up to max. 9 Kg
* As a chair up to max. 13 KgOeko-Tex Standard 100
* 40 ° washable Bliss Cotton:

* 100% soft cotton Bliss Mesh:

* 100% polyester.

9. BabyBjörn Flying friends

The spinning figures will arouse your child's curiosity and perhaps bring out a first smile. By playing, the child also gets to know its body and develops its motor skills. The toy handle can be easily attached and detached by an adult and is suitable for the Balance Soft bouncer and the Bliss bouncer. 

10. BabyBjörn Transport bag for babysitter

The bag is made from a thin, durable polyester and comes equipped with a practical handle. The zippered opening makes it easy to pull the bag on/off the baby bouncer. You can also use the transport bag for storage at home so your baby bouncer will stay clean and fresh.