Helveticam Viaccess Dual Modul & SRG SSR Sat-Access-Karte

Product details

ATTENTION: May only be ordered together with a satellite receiver with Viaccess card reader or a Viaccess CI module (1 card per module or receiver)! No retail sale!
Orders of this card WITHOUT module or receiver will be deleted!

card activation
Your satellite access card is activated for a few days from the first start-up.
For permanent activation, your Sat-Access card must be registered.

What is to be done?
A registration form is included with your Sat-Access card. Please complete the original registration form and return it by post within 30 days.

Important notice:
If your registration has not been completed successfully within 15 days of the card's first use, the activation will expire.

Sale only to persons residing in Switzerland / Vendita solo a persone con residenza in svizzera / vente seulement a personnes avec residence en suisse

Information about ex HD-Suisse resp. SRF1 HD + SRF two HD (SF1 HD + SF2 HD)
can be found at http://www.satwiki.ch/index.php/HD_suisse
or about Viaccess modules in general here: http://www.ci-cam.ch/modul/viaccess

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