Sex report: these toys bring us to a climax
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Sex report: these toys bring us to a climax

Translation: Patrik Stainbrook

Galaxus customers bought eight times more sex toys in 2021 than five years ago. Find out here which adult toys are particularly popular and if there are any cantonal preferences.

Let’s forget about Omicron and the like for once and focus on what might just be the most fun triviality in the world: sex. More precisely, on all the tools that ensure excitement in the bedroom – or wherever.

A bit of bondage

The most popular sex toys five years ago are still top sellers today: vibrators and masturbators, the counterpart for men, are still popular with customers year after year.

In recent years, anal toys and bondage accessories have increased in popularity; in 2021, customers at Galaxus purchased ten and 17 times as many, respectively, as in 2017.

Looking at the erotic range at Galaxus, condoms and lubricants are by far the most frequent items in our customers’ virtual shopping carts. Unlike sex toys, these are consumables, which explains the high turnover.

Each canton has its tastes

Do the Ticinesi and the French- and German-speaking Swiss enjoy the same adult toys? Are there any cantonal peculiarities? I took a closer look at sales figures for the past year.

Zurich is positively vibrating

All over Switzerland, vibrators are the queens of sex toys. The biggest vibrator fans live in Zurich, while St Gallen doesn’t have much love to spare for them – if you consider our sales figures as well as the population of each respective canton.

Whacking it better than anyone else

Masturbators are the second most popular sex toy after vibrators. In German-speaking Switzerland, they’re housed mainly in Glarus, Zurich and Schaffhausen. In Latin Switzerland, the artificial vaginas are best received by the people of Fribourg, Valais and Ticino.

For the best bondage go to Glarus

Let’s move on to ranks three to five in our sex toy ranking: anal toys, bondage accessories and penis rings. Here's a summary of our key findings based on our 2021 sales figures:

Anal toys are the third most popular sex toy in all Swiss cantons. Except in the canton of Jura: there, anal toys are the second most popular adult device after vibrators. St Gallen, Bern and Appenzell residents buy the fewest anal toys – in relation to the number of inhabitants of the canton – from Galaxus in Switzerland. Glarus, Basel and Zurich lead the charge.

In French-speaking Switzerland, Fribourg enjoys getting tied up, while Valais is the least bond of fondage – I mean fond of bondage. In German-speaking Switzerland, the people of Glarus are particularly into the idea, while St. Gallen is less enthused.

Among Romands, the people of Fribourg buy the most cock rings. In German-speaking Switzerland, the canton of Uri stands out: like the aurochs gracing the cantonal coat of arms, the people of Uri also like to wear rings – but ‘down there’. In relation to its number of inhabitants, this particular founding canton ranks third in its purchases of penis rings, after Glarus and Zurich.

The biggest up-and-comers

And finally, we come to the rising stars of sex toys. These toys made the biggest leap in 2021 in terms of sales growth.

If you’re missing a sex toy in our range or would like to share something else on the subject: the comments are yours!

Graphics: Made with Flourish & Datawrapper.

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