Die besten Penguin Random House Produkte der Kategorie Ratgeber

Auf dieser Seite findest du eine Rangliste der besten Produkte von Penguin Random House aus dieser Kategorie. Um dir einen schnellen Überblick zu verschaffen, haben wir die wichtigsten Informationen zu den Produkten in der Rangliste bereits für dich zusammengestellt.

1. Ottolenghi:Ottolenghi COMFORT

This is comfort food, Ottolenghi-style.

In his much-anticipated new book, Yotam Ottolenghi brings his inspiring, flavour-forward approach to comfort cooking, delivering
new classics that taste of home.

A bowl of pasta becomes Caramelised Onion Orecchiette with Hazelnuts & Crispy Sage, a warming soup is Cheesy Bread Soup with Savoy Cabbage & Cavolo Nero, and a plate of mash is transformed into Garlicky Aligot Potato with Leeks & Thyme.

Weaving memories of childhood and travel with over 100 irresistible recipes, Ottolenghi COMFORT is a celebration of food and home - of the connections we make as we cook, and pass on from generation to generation.

Ottolenghi:Ottolenghi COMFORT (Englisch, Yotam Ottolenghi, Helen Goh, 2024)

Ottolenghi:Ottolenghi COMFORT

Englisch, Yotam Ottolenghi, Helen Goh, 2024

2. Atomic Habits

Verändern Sie Ihr Leben mit kleinen Verhaltensänderungen, die jetzt beginnen. Die meisten Menschen denken, dass man gross denken muss, wenn man sein Leben verändern will. 

Atomic Habits (Englisch, James Clear, 2018)

Atomic Habits

Englisch, James Clear, 2018

3. Outlive

Outlive (Englisch, Peter Attia, Bill Gifford, 2023)


Englisch, Peter Attia, Bill Gifford, 2023

4. Big Vegan Flavor

A groundbreaking and comprehensive "vegan flavor bible"—with 150 must-make recipes—from the wildly popular home cook and creator behind Rainbow Plant LifeWith more than two million devoted fans online, Nisha Vora has become the trusted source for exceptional vegan recipes for the home cook. That's because of her "flavor first" philosophy. It's an approach she's honed nearly a decade creating plant-based dishes that just plain taste amazing, labels aside. Now she's created an essential, comprehensive guide that codifies the principles of plant-based cooking for the first time, from how to coax the most out of your ingredients and how to understand essential flavor pairings, to how to achieve impossible-to-resist, must-have-more textures and embrace the myriad ways vegetables can be enjoyed: roasted, caramelized, braised, pampered in bold marinades and umami-rich sauces, and so much more.As Nisha demonstrates in this groundbreaking book, the creative possibilities are endless thanks to the rich variety in the plant-based kingdom and the infinite and exciting ways there are to achieve big flavor.This book illuminates not only the how, but the why of these fundamental principles so that anyone can boost their confidence and reach their full, plant-savvy potential in the kitchen—whether they like to rotate in a few veggie meals a week, or they are experienced home cooks looking for next-level, wow-worthy meals. With more than 150 globally-inspired recipes, easy "flavor boosters" that add depth or pop to all kinds of dishes, simple swaps for whatever you're craving or have on-hand, make ahead tips, and more, Big Vegan Flavor is packed with ideas and inspiration. Each recipe offers a quick tutorial: Dishes like Miso Butter-Seared King Oyster Scallops will teach you how to brine plants until perfectly tender. Chai-Spiced Custard Tart with Mango will open your eyes to the power of a good spice blend and a sweet-tangy, creamy-crunchy dessert. Or use Nisha's favorite. 

Big Vegan Flavor (Englisch, Nisha Vora, 2024)

Big Vegan Flavor

Englisch, Nisha Vora, 2024

5. Think and Grow Rich

An updated edition of the best-selling guide features anecdotes about such modern figures as Bill Gates, Dave Thomas, and Sir John Templeton, explaining how their examples can enable modern readers to pursue wealth and overcome personal stumbling blocks. 

Think and Grow Rich (Englisch, Napoleon Hill, 2005)

Think and Grow Rich

Englisch, Napoleon Hill, 2005

6. Ottolenghi SIMPLE

Yotam Ottolenghi's award-winning recipes are always a celebration: an unforgettable combination of abundance, taste and surprise. Ottolenghi SIMPLE is no different, with 140 brand-new dishes that contain all the inventive elements and flavour combinations that Ottolenghi is loved for, but with minimal hassle for maximum joy. Bursting with colourful photography, Ottolenghi SIMPLE showcases Yotam's standout dishes that will suit whatever type of cooking you find easy - whether that's getting wonderful food on the table in under 30 minutes, using just one pot to make a delicious meal, or a flavoursome dish that can be prepared ahead and then served when you're ready. These brilliant, flavour-forward dishes are all SIMPLE in at least one (but very often more than one) way: S - short on time: less than 30 minutes I - 10 ingredients or less M - make ahead P - pantry L - lazy E - easier than yo. 

Ottolenghi SIMPLE (Englisch, Ottolenghi Yotam, 2018)

Ottolenghi SIMPLE

Englisch, Ottolenghi Yotam, 2018

7. When the Body Says No

A celebrated speaker, and bestselling author, Dr Gabor Maté is highly sought after for his expertise on a range of topics including addiction, stress and childhood development. Rather than offering quick-fix solutions to these complex issues, Dr Maté weaves together scientific research, case histories, and his own insights and experience to present a broad perspective that enlightens and empowers people to promote their own healing and that of those around them. For twelve years Dr Maté worked in Vancouver's Downtown Eastside with patients challenged by hard-core drug addiction, mental illness and HIV, including at Vancouver's Supervised Injection Site. With over 20 years of family practice and palliative care experience and extensive knowledge of the latest findings of leading-edge research, Dr Maté is a sought-after speaker and teacher, regularly addressing health professionals, educators, and lay audiences throughout North America. As an author, Dr Maté has written several bestselling books including the award-winning In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts, When the Body Says No, Scattered Minds and co-authored Hold on to Your Kids. His most recent book The Myth of Normal: Trauma, Illness & Healing in a Toxic Culture is a New York Times bestseller. Dr Maté's works have been published internationally in over twenty languages. Dr Gabor Maté has received the Hubert Evans Prize for Literary Non-Fiction an Honorary Degree (Law) from the University of Northern British Columbia an Outstanding Alumnus Award from Simon Fraser University and the 2012 Martin Luther King Humanitarian Award from Mothers Against Teen Violence. He is an adjunct professor in the Faculty of Criminology at Simon Fraser University. Supporters of Dr Maté include Dr Rangan Chatterjee, Simon Amstell, Bessel van der Kolk, Johann Hari, Esther Perel and Russell Brand. He was recently featured in the highly publicised livestream conversation with Prince Harry where they discussed loss, trauma and the importance of healing. 

When the Body Says No (Englisch, Gabor Maté, 2019)

When the Body Says No

Englisch, Gabor Maté, 2019

8. The Whole-Brain Child

Outlines twelve strategies for fostering brain development in children, explaining how challenging behaviors are rooted in immature left and right brain coordination and how parents can make adjustments to enable positive learning. 

The Whole-Brain Child (Englisch, Daniel J. Siegel, Tina Payne Bryson, 2012)

The Whole-Brain Child

Englisch, Daniel J. Siegel, Tina Payne Bryson, 2012

9. Meditations for Mortals

From the international bestselling author of Four Thousand Weeks comes a four-week journey to embracing your limitations, thriving in an age of bewilderment, and finally making time for what counts. Four Thousand Weeks, Oliver Burkeman's breakout international bestseller, touched the lives of hundreds of thousands of readers. Inspired and moved by Burkeman's investigation into how to live unblinkingly in the face of our limited time on earth, some of them changed their lives: they made big decisions to rethink careers, relationships, priorities, and misguided assumptions about productivity. In Meditations for Mortals, Burkeman brings the themes and questions at the heart of Four Thousand Weeks - time, mortality, imperfection, productivity, and how to live fully and deeply even when things are most challenging - into the heart of our daily lives. How do we embrace the reality of our finiteness? How do we make decisions and act with conviction when there is always too much to do and failure is inevitable? How do we find a deeper sense of purpose when we realise that life is not a problem to be solved? How does care for others make us more free? Comprised of four weeks of extended reflections on inspiring quotations - drawn from philosophy, religion, literature, psychology, and self-help - Burkeman's latest is the perfect companion during a time of turbulence and pervasive anxiety: a source of solace and enlightenment, inspiration and insight, and humour and provocation. The result is a winking challenge to the usual self-help platitudes - a surprising and entertaining crash course in living meaningfully. Praise for Four Thousand Weeks: 'Wonderful' The Times 'Perfectly pitched somewhere between practical self-help and philosophical quest' Observer 'Wise' Mail on Sunday 'Full of such sage and sane advice, delivered with dry wit and a benevolent tone' Guardian. 

Meditations for Mortals (Englisch, Burkeman Oliver, 2024)

Meditations for Mortals

Englisch, Burkeman Oliver, 2024

10. So viel Freude, so viel Wut

Der Bestseller jetzt im Paperback!Gefühlsstarke Kinder – so nennt Nora Imlau Jungen und Mädchen, die von Geburt an anders sind als andere Kinder: wilder, bedürfnisstärker, fordernder. Aber gleichzeitig auch feinfühliger, sensibler, verletzlicher. Jedes siebte Kind kommt mit dieser besonderen Spielart der Persönlichkeitsentwicklung zur Welt. Und doch fühlen sich viele Eltern sehr allein, wenn ihr Kind als einziges Baby den Kinderwagen hasst und im Rückbildungskurs nicht auf der Matte liegen mag, auch als Kindergartenkind noch nicht alleine einschlafen kann und selbst im Schulalter noch viel Hilfe im Umgang mit seinen heftigen Gefühlsausbrüchen braucht. Gewohnt fachkundig und einfühlsam leuchtet Nora Imlau aus, warum gefühlsstarke Kinder sich so von Gleichaltrigen unterscheiden und was sie von ihren Eltern brauchen, um einen gesunden Umgang mit ihren intensiven Emotionen zu erlernen. Plus: Ganz praktische Hilfestellungen für typische Stress- und Konfliktsituationen mit gefühlsstarken Kindern – vom Anziehen über den Kindergarten- und Schulbesuch bis zum Zähneputzen.* Mit Einschätzungsbogen für Eltern und Kinder* Mehr Informationen und Test auf gefuehlsstarke-kinder.de. 

So viel Freude, so viel Wut (Deutsch, Nora Imlau, 2021)

So viel Freude, so viel Wut

Deutsch, Nora Imlau, 2021