Die besten Penguin Random House Produkte der Kategorie Fachbücher
Auf dieser Seite findest du eine Rangliste der besten Produkte von Penguin Random House aus dieser Kategorie. Um dir einen schnellen Überblick zu verschaffen, haben wir die wichtigsten Informationen zu den Produkten in der Rangliste bereits für dich zusammengestellt.
1. Surrounded by Idiots
Do you ever think you're the only one making any sense? Or tried to reason with your partner with disastrous results? Do long, rambling answers drive you crazy? Or does your colleague's abrasive manner get your back up? You are not alone. After a disastrous meeting with a highly successful entrepreneur, who was genuinely convinced he was 'surrounded by idiots', communication expert and bestselling author, Thomas Erikson dedicated himself to understanding how people function and why we often struggle to connect with certain types of people. Originally published in Swedish in 2014 as Omgiven Av Idioter, Erikson's Surrounded by Idiots is already an international phenomenon, selling over 1.5 million copies worldwide, of which over 750,000 copies have been sold in Sweden alone. It offers a simple, yet ground-breaking method for assessing the personalities of people we communicate with - in and out of the office - based on four personality types (Red, Blue, Green and Yellow), and provides insights into how we can adjust the way(s) we speak and share information. Erikson will help you understand yourself better, hone communication and social skills, handle conflict with confidence, improve dynamics with your boss and team, and get the best out of the people you deal with and manage. He also shares simple tricks on body language, improving written communication and advice on when to back away or when to push on, and when to speak up or indeed shut up. Packed with 'aha!' and 'oh no!' moments, Surrounded by Idiots will help you understand and influence those around you, even people you currently think are beyond all comprehension. And with a bit of luck you can also be confident that the idiot out there isn't you!.
2. Why We Sleep
THE TOP TEN SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER TLS, OBSERVER, SUNDAY TIMES, FT, GUARDIAN, DAILY MAIL AND EVENING STANDARD BOOKS OF THE YEAR 2017 'Vital ... a life-raft' Guardian 'A top sleep scientist argues that sleep is more important for our health than diet or exercise' The Times 'It had a powerful effect on me' Observer 'I urge you all to read this book' Times Higher Education Sleep is one of the most important aspects of our life, health and longevity and yet it is increasingly neglected in twenty-first-century society, with devastating consequences: every major disease in the developed world - Alzheimer's, cancer, obesity, diabetes - has very strong causal links to deficient sleep. Until very recently, science had no answer to the question of why we sleep, or what good it served, or why its absence is so damaging to our health. Compared to the other basic drives in life - eating, drinking, a.
3. Never Split the Difference
'A master of persuasion.' Forbes 'This book blew my mind.' Adam Grant, bestselling author of Originals A former FBI hostage negotiator offers a new, field-tested approach to negotiating - effective in any situation. After a stint policing the rough streets of Kansas City, Missouri, Chris Voss joined the FBI, where his career as a kidnapping negotiator brought him face-to-face with bank robbers, gang leaders and terrorists. Never Split the Difference takes you inside his world of high-stakes negotiations, revealing the nine key principles that helped Voss and his colleagues succeed when it mattered the most - when people's lives were at stake. Rooted in the real-life experiences of an intelligence professional at the top of his game, Never Split the Difference will give you the competitive edge in any discussion. 'Filled with insights that apply to everyday negotiations.' Business Insider.
4. How to Win Friends and Influence People
Dale Carnegies Philosophie des gesunden Menschenverstandes hat Millionen beeinflusst. Sein Gespür für den Umgang mit Menschen ist unübertroffen. Er beherrscht es meisterhaft, die Kunst, beliebt und einflussreich zu werden, an seine Leser weiterzugeben. Wer sein eigenes Leben ins Gleichgewicht bringt, wird auch andere motivieren, begeistern und dabei glaubwürdig sein. In diesem Buch zeigt er auf seine unnachahmliche Weise, wie man Freunde gewinnt, auf neuen Wegen zu neuen Zielen gelangt, im Beruf erfolgreicher wird und seine Umwelt beeinflusst. Ein Standardwerk für alle, die gut mit anderen auskommen möchten.
5. The Body Keeps the Score
What causes people to continually relive what they most want to forget, and what treatments could help restore them to a life with purpose and joy? Here, Dr Bessel van der Kolk offers a new paradigm for effectively treating traumatic stress. Neither talking nor drug therapies have proven entirely satisfactory. With stories of his own work and those of specialists around the globe, The Body Keeps the Score sheds new light on the routes away from trauma - which lie in the regulation and syncing of body and mind, using sport, drama, yoga, mindfulness, meditation and other routes to equilibrium.
6. Der Ernährungskompass
Die Paperbackausgabe des Millionenbestsellers - erweitert um ein neues Kapitel und Beispielrezepte
Bas Kast, Autor und Wissenschaftsjournalist, war erst 40 Jahre alt, als er mit Schmerzen in der Brust zusammenbrach. Danach fasste er den Entschluss, seine Ernährung radikal umzustellen. Aus Tausenden von Studien hat er die wissenschaftlich gesicherten Erkenntnisse über eine wirklich gesunde Kost herausgefiltert, die wichtigsten Aspekte leicht verständlich zusammengestellt - und damit einen ungeheuren Erfolg gelandet: Mehr als eine Million Mal hat sich der »Ernährungskompass« seit Erscheinen 2018 verkauft. In seinem Bestseller räumt Kast mit dem Diätenchaos auf, entlarvt Ernährungsmythen und beschreibt die Grundlagen einer Kost, die uns vor Altersleiden schützt und unser Leben verlängert - ein einmaliges Fazit aller wissenschaftlichen Studien zum Thema Ernährung, jetzt mit einem neuen Kapitel darüber, welche Lebensmittel stimmungsaufhellend wirken können und Beispielrezepten. Mit zahlreichen Abbildungen und durchgehend zweifarbig gestaltet.
Ausstattung: durchgehend zweifarbig gestaltet.
7. Thinking, Fast and Slow
Looks at the way our minds work, and how we make decisions. This book reveals how our minds are tripped up by error and prejudice (even when we think we are being logical), and gives you practical techniques for slower, smarter thinking. It enables you to make better decisions at work, at home, and in everything you do.
8. Margiela, M.:Maison Martin Margiela
Graduating from Antwerp's Royal Academy of Fine Arts in the 1980s, Martin Margiela (and his contemporaries in the Antwerp Six) transformed global fashion with his aggressive restatement of traditional fashion design and a polemical approach to luxury trends. Working first with the house of Gaultier, Margiela absorbed the radical design of Japanese deconstruction, making it wholly his own with the founding of his own label in 1988. Margiela propounds a singular, enigmatic look, moving beyond the recognizable tropes of deconstruction--a monochromatic palette, outsized garments, non-traditional fabrics, exposed seams, or roughly appliqued details--to develop a fully considered worldview, one with elegance, mystery, and menace in equal measure. This book provides an inside look at the design process from a craftsman who creates pieces prized for their originality, delicacy, and daring. In the spirit of Margiela's garments, the book is a work of art in itself, designed exclusively by Margiela and complete with silver inks, ribbon markers, a variety of lush paper types, twelve booklets, and an embroidered white-linen cover. This book provides a window onto the intimate, handmade world of a unique designer.
Margiela, M.:Maison Martin Margiela
Englisch, 2009, Susannah Frankel, Andrée Putman, Vanessa Beecroft, Jean-Paul Gaultier, Maison Martin Margiela
9. Zero to One, English edition
WHAT VALUABLE COMPANY IS NOBODY BUILDING? The next Bill Gates will not build an operating system. The next Larry Page or Sergey Brin won't make a search engine. If you are copying these guys, you aren't learning from them. It's easier to copy a model than to make something new: doing what we already know how to do takes the world from 1 to n, adding more of something familiar. Every new creation goes from 0 to 1. This book is about how to get there. 'Peter Thiel has built multiple breakthrough companies, and Zero to One shows how.' ELON MUSK, CEO of SpaceX and Tesla 'This book delivers completely new and refreshing ideas on how to create value in the world.' MARK ZUCKERBERG, CEO of Facebook 'When a risk taker writes a book, read it. In the case of Peter Thiel, read it twice. Or, to be safe, three times. This is a classic.' NASSIM NICHOLAS TALEB, author of The Black Swan.
10. Meditations
Written in Greek without any intention of publication, this book offers spiritual reflections and exercises developed by the author, as the leader who struggled to understand himself and make sense of the universe. It covers topics such as: the question of virtue, human rationality, the nature of the gods, and Aurelius's own emotions.